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Soil as a natural resource is the cornerstone of any life on earth. Soil Culture has been endured with humans for a thousand years. However, its fluidity, in terms of the property, form, texture, and color, crafted the never-ending explorations with soil as a material for a pleasant object or place. D.I.N is one of the explorers who is passionate about the diverse ways soil could engage with human life in different dialogues from a building material to a daily life object. While the aesthetic of each layer of the texture is carefully crafted by hand, the formation of individual gravels, sand, and clay was allowed to shift to create the uniqueness of the individuality, to repercussion naturality. We hope our journey of the layered soil vibrant your atmosphere.




把他們在建築中所運用到的建柱築牆技術和對物料的熟悉度,來打造一系列限定的 盆栽泥盤。 D.I.N 泰文意思為 土壤

他們運用了香港土壤和原材料,把不同地方的泥土,沙石,結合水泥來創造岀如經時間洗涮多年的古物般,砂土之間相互融合,層層疊疊的交疊,像晚霞時的地平線 又像土壤切割後所看見的不同結構的砂層。在他們手中仿似將自然界中不同的元素都收納在一個泥盤裏,為植物建造一個居所。


Hand-made Pot by D.I.N

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